12-24h Sager Forecast: | sf | Fair; Diminishing, or moderating somewhat if current winds are of fresh to strong velocity. West or Northwest winds. |
Sager Output Code: | soc | AD7 (378 options) |
3-4 Letters of Output Code: | 1st | Weather Expected (A Fair - Y Unsettled) (21 options) |
2nd | Wind Velocities (N(iNcreasing), F(resh), S(trong), G(gale), W(Storm), H(urrican), D(iminishing), U(nchanged)) (8 options) | |
3rd4th | Wind Direction (1 N/NE - clockwise - 8 NW/N - 9 Shifting) When 2 numbers are used, the first number will indicate wind direction for the first several hours and the second number the direction or trend to be expected thereafter. | |
Sager Input Dial: | sd | Y134 (25x8x5x5 variations) |
4 Digits of Dial: | d1 | Wind Direction and Trend: A (North Backing) - clockwise - Z (Calm) depending on Hemisphere |
d2 | Barometer Pressure Range: 1 (high) [>1029.5] - 8 (low) [<975.3] | |
d3 | Barometer Trend: 1 (rising rapidly) - 2 (rising) - 3 (normal) - 4 (falling) - 5 (falling rapidly) | |
d4 | Cloud Cover: 1 (Clear) - 2 (Partly Cloudy) - 3 (Mostly Cloudy) - 4 (Overcast) - 5 (Precipitation) | |
Algorithm: | (link1) | The Sager Weathercaster is an instrument based on meteorological science and predicts the weather quickly and accurately. It has been in use since 1942. It allows you to make forecasts of weather, temperature and wind instantly for a radius of about 50 km of your location based on 5000 input variations. |
Input: | (link2) | The Sager Weathercaster algorithm is provided with input from the private PWS via CMX webtags (wind direction and trend, pressure and trend) and input from a nearby METAR station via Curl (sky cloud cover (pw)). |
12-24h Zambretti Forecast: | zf | Settled Fine Weather |
Zambretti Output Code: | zoc/zfo | A (Letter A - Z with 26 options) = (Settled fine)orig |
Algorithm: | (Wiki) | The Zambretti Forecaster is a weather forecasting instrument used in conjunction with a barometer. It has been in use since 1915. |
Input: | (link3) | The Zambretti Forecaster uses wind direction, pressure and a rising, falling or steady barometer based on the season (Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter) as input (3 dials). |
Current Temperature: | tr/ts | 6.8 °C (to determine rain or snow) |
Avg Wind Direction 6h ago: | b6/w6 | 221° SW |
Current Avg Wind Direction: | bd/wd | 300° NW |
Wind Speed Unit: | wu | km/h |
Wind Trend: | wdc | The wind is Veering. |
Barometric Pressure: | bp | 1034.2 |
Pressure Trend: | bt | -0.3 |
Pressure Unit: | bu | hPa |
Pressure converted to [hpa]: | pc | 1034.2 |
Pressure Trend [hpa]: | pt | -0.3 (falling rapidly <= -1.4 < falling <= -0.7 < normal < 0.7 <= rising < 1.4 <= rising rapidly) |
Pressure Offset Sager: | po | 0 (default = 0, set to +5/+10 if wind speed forecast is too high, set to -5/-10 if wind speed forecast is too low) |
Pressure used Sager [hpa]: | pu1 | 1034.2 (including offset (po)) |
Pressure Offset Zambretti: | po2 | 13.5 (offset based on season offset 0 (so) + wind offset 13.5 (wo)) |
Pressure used Zambretti [hpa]: | pu | 1047.7 (including offset (po2)) |
METAR Station: | ms/msex | 2025/01/15 13:20 EBBR (Airport Zaventem-Brussels, distance: 30km as the crow flies) |
METAR Cloud Code: | m1 | OVC (Overcast 8/8) |
METAR Precipitation Code: | m2/m3 | No Precipitation |
CMX Last Rain: | rm/rtip | 438 minutes ago last rain occured at 2025-01-15 07:24 |
Present Weather Result: | pw | Overcast (If the METAR indicates Precipitation (m2) or Cumulus has reported Rain in the last 30 minutes (rm), (pw) becomes Precipitation regardless of (m1)) |
CMX Version: | build | v4.3.3 build (4070) |
Last Update: | updated | 14:42 on 15 januari 2025 |
Credits: | ©2024 | using BT's Weathercaster PHP scripts from "Buford T. Justice" / "BTJustice"; Plus - tweaks by the beteljuice Feb. 2019 |